Ramen High-Quality Ball Sector Valves

Ramén ball sector valves are designed to be used as control valves for liquids, gases, steam, media with suspended solids, sludge, abrasive slurries, powder, pellets and viscous media.

The main reason these valves have been selected is the ability to have an accurate controllability and the tightness of an on/off valve at the same time, due to:

✅ inherent equal percentage characteristic to manage any process independent of varying deltaP
✅ 300:1 rangeability
✅ No hysteresis as the valve is trunnion mounted and the valve is provided with a zero backlash coupling
✅ class VI tight shut off

This allow to use one valve instead of two, and thus provide a very compact and cost effective solution.




Flangeless, wafertype (size DN 300 flanged)

Nominal sizes:

DN 40 – DN 300


Body: EN 1.4409, AISI 316L
Shafts: EN 1.4460, AISI 329
Ball sector: EN 1.4409, AISI 316L
Seat: PTFE (Carbon/graphite reinforced)
Seat holding ring: EN 1.4409, AISI 316L
O-rings: FKM
Bearing: Rulon®

Nominal pressure:

DN 40 – DN 50: PN 40 (for flange PN 10/40 and ANSI 150/300/600)
DN 80 – DN 100: PN 25 (for flange PN 10/25 and ANSI 150/300)
DN 150 – DN 250: PN 16 (for flange PN 10/16 and ANSI 150)
DN 300: PN 16 (Flanged PN 16 or ANSI 150)

Operating temperature:

-40°C – 170°C
-40°F – 338°F

Seat leakage class according to EN60534-4:


Shell test according to EN12266-1:

No leakage detectable


Equal percentage


Up to 300:1


O-rings: EPDM, Nitril, Kalrez®, Viton GLT, EPDM 90, FDA approval, Perlast®
Alloy steels: 904L, 304, 316L, 254 SMO, Hastelloy, Duplex, Super Duplex, Titanium
Seat: White PTFE, PEEK

Certificates and approvals

CE marked acc. to PED 2014/68/EU, Category II, Module D1.
ATEX according to directive 2014/34/EU.
Fugitive emission standards acc. to ISO 15848-1 and VDI 2440 (TA-luft). Fullfills EC declaration 2023/2006 and 1935/2004 for articles intended to come in contact with food.


Ball Sector Control Valve – KS series

Ramén ball sector valves are made from ball sectors with an elliptical to circular opening, giving high resolution and equal percentage control characteristics in most demanding control applications. The centric, trunnion-mounted design offers easy and accurate operation covering process design and customer requirements.



Ball Sector valves vs. Globe valves

Both globe valves and ball sector valves can be used as control valves but have somewhat different advantages and features. In this post we will give you 8 reasons to why a Ramén Ball Sector Valve might be superior to a globe valve in you flow control application.

Superior geometry and valve characteristic
A Ramén Ball Sector valve provides an equal percentage characteristic in a geometry of two circular openings forming an elliptic to circular primary control orifice. Insensitive to particles and other impurities that cause wear and tear, malfunction and insufficient control performance.

Improved capacity and wider rangeability:
The Ramén Ball Sector valve gives a considerable higher Cvs/Kvs value for same size, meanwhile offering an extended control range. This makes the ball sector an excellent solution, especially in higher flow capacities with higher turn-down ratio (Max.flow/Min.flow) in the process.

Low pressure drop
The pressure drop in a Ball Sector Control valve is much lower than any globe valve designs. This is requested in many applications which minimal pressure drop during flow control is required (e.g. fuel supply in burner and furnace system). The Ramén Ball Sector valve in fully open position has negligible pressure drop (i.e. low resistance coefficient or K-value).

Self-draining design
The Ramén Ball Sector valve has no hidden cavities where particles and other impurities might create wear and tear, or thermal expansion damages.

Shut-off tightness
Globe valves are not typically used for applications where a tight shut-off is required although they could be used in combination with a simple on/off ball, butterfly, or plug valve, or any other type of shutoff valve. This option would of course add to the total cost and space requirements. While the Ball Sector valve could give tight shut-off as normal ball valves in both flow direction.

Quarter turn actuation and low torque operation
This makes Ramén Ball Sector Valve more reliable, robust and standardized solution compared to linear actuation in globe valves. Typically Globe valves have high pressure drops, since the pressure exerted is transferred to the valve stem. They also require greater force or a larger actuator to seat the valve. However, Ramén Ball Sector valves operate with low required torque which lower the need for use of bigger actuators saving cost and space in many applications.

Compact design
The compact wafer design with a quarter turn actuator create a simpler installation and easier maintenance for end users. The compact design, together with higher capacity, compared to globe valve, makes the Ball Sector valve a light solution, lowering heavy loads in piping installation.

Overall lower Life Cycle Cost (LCC)
Considering the low maintenance requirements, a significant resistance against wear and tear and the compact design with a higher capacity the Ramén Ball Sector Valve is an excellent cost conscious purchase for end users compared to globe valve designs in many control applications.

Ball Sector valves vs Segmented ball valves

It is a common misconception that the Ramén Ball Sector valve and segmented ball valves are the exact same or at least very similar types of control valves. In reality they have different features and fulfills different needs. In this technical comparison you will find out about some of the differences between a sector and a segment.

Geometry plays an important part

The Ramén Ball Sector valve have two circular openings where one is static (the seat) and the other one is dynamic (the ball). When these to openings intersect and move apart horizontally, they create and elliptical geometry that is very beneficial. It is beneficial because it protects the critical surfaces from high velocity and thereby wear and tear.

Then we have the Segment ball valve design that have one static circular opening with a circular body, forming a moon crescent geometry when moving apart horizontally. This geometry gives v-shaped corners where velocity inevitably increases. The high velocity cause wear and tear which shorten the service life of the valve.

In addition, because of the specific design of the Ramén Ball Sector Valve, the seat sealing surface (in green in the picture below) is always protected from abrasion, while it is directly exposed in Segmented ball valves. The Ramén Ball Sector valve seat is fully protected by the ball sector in the open position and fully supported from 0° to 90°, whereas in segmented ball valves the seat is fully exposed to media and there is no segment support in the open position. This offers an increased wear-and-tear resistance for abrasive media and a secured tight shut-off with any media.

Equal vs. linear percentage characteristics

The Ball Sector valve has an equal percentage characteristic with a range up to 300:1, while the segmented ball valve usually has a linear percentage characteristic. The advantage with an equal percentage valve is that it can manage any process independent of the deltaP.

Bi-directional design

Ramén Ball Sector Valves have a bi-directional design whereas segmented ball valves have usually one flow direction as standard. This means that the Ramén Ball Sector Valve can be installed in both direction without any impact on the controllability or tightness of the valve. In fact, it is more appropriate to mount the valve body in the opposite direction when controlling abrasive media. With the throttling orifice placed on the outlet side of the valve, velocity and thereby abrasion in the valve body is avoided.

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